Seven Ways to Explore Your Passions

Are you desperate to reinvent your career, but plagued by a lack of ideas? 

Excited by a new chapter, but going round in circles, worried you don't know what your "thing" is and where to focus your investigations?   

My FREE worksheet will invite you to get curious, creative and laser-focused. You will:

✔️Get clear on the activities, places and types of work that light you up

✔️Identify key themes that need to be present for your work to be fulfilling for you        

✔️ Produce an inspiration list to kickstart your first investigative action steps  

"I just downloaded your worksheet about a minute after downloading one from another coach, and they are chalk and cheese … yours is creative, engaging, helpful, full of ways to think laterally. Thanks!!"

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Hi, I'm Rachel.

I'm a qualified career and personal development coach. Here to challenge you to stop faffing and finally design and build the career you really want. 

Before making my very own career pivot, I reported and presented for the BBC for over twenty years.

Combining my own experience with a proven coaching framework, I help you reconnect with who you are, generate and explore career ideas, and design a concrete action plan to realise the dreams and ambitions you have.